The West Kilbride Golf Club
Course open.

Winter Programme Update

The winter programme is progressing well and we hope to have everything completed by the middle of March.

Jobs completed so far:

  • Aeration of greens, tees, surrounds and fairways. Further aeration will be carried out to walk-off and compacted areas when the ground conditions become drier.
  • Path at 14 has been completed with the new mounding been added off the front of the tee. The mound has been planted with gorse and surrounding area been re-turfed. The sleeper edges will be soiled and seeded as the ground temperatures rise.
  • The mounding at the 17th has been shaped. Fescue turf will be laid. This area will remain GUR until the turf is fully rooted and established.
  • 11 bunkers have been re-built and rootzone has been added for bunker bases. The bunker sand when added will be slightly darker in colour as Kings number 7 sand has been discontinued and they are now only making one variety.
  • The new bunker at 14 has also been completed.
  • The right-hand greenside bunker at 10 has been dug out and the drain has been cut back to the edge of the bunker and capped as it was too close to the surface and not required. A new base and fresh sand has been added.
  • The greenside bunkers at 11 have also been dug out. The drains have been re-set deeper down, covered with gravel and a Terram covering to stop gravel contamination in the bunker and on the green.
  • The worn banking on the 11th tee has been re-turfed.
  • Gorse maintenance and some removal has been carried out on holes 6,7,16,17 and 18. The hedge behind the 11th green has also been trimmed.
  • Plantation of gorse is underway with extra plants going in at 3,8,13th championship tee and down the left hand-side of the 16th rough to separate the holes and provide further definition on the course.
  • Drainage work has also been carried out with pipework been cleaned out in the drain under the 10th path and sections of new pipe have been replaced in the drain at the 11th. The outlets along the beach have also been cleared out regularly.
  • All cutting units have been re-ground. Servicing work is still on-going but I hope to have this completed by the end of March.

Jobs still to do:

  • Turfing of the mound at 17
  • Gorse plantation at 3,8 and 16
  • Irrigation on the 14th path has still to be installed
  • Bunker sand to be added to the bunkers
  • Strim under areas of gorse that are in play. This will be carried out nearer the start of the season

On the Greens.

  • Regular aeration has been carried out on the greens. We have recently solid tined the greens down to 3-4 inches and the Air 2 G 2 machine has also been in on hire to add further air deeper into the soil profile.
  • Light top-dressings have been applied when the weather has allowed to help dry out the surfaces.
  • Unfortunately, we have not had a spraying window due to the weather to apply some winter products to the greens. This will be carried out when conditions allow.
  • The greens are been cut or rolled once every 2-3 weeks when the ground conditions allow.

Other Course Matters

  • I have spoken to the farmer regarding the water coming onto the course at the 3rd right of way. The problem is in the farm as we have carried out a cross dig at the boundary on the farm and checked the pipe on the course using drain dye and it is running fine.
  • A couple sink holes had appeared on the 7th fairway and on the 14th coastal path. Both have now been repaired.
  • The drying room is now near completion for the Greenstaff. The lighting and flooring have now been installed and I hope to have the electrics and cabinet installed within the next couple of weeks.


Richard Fulton
Head Greenkeeper