The West Kilbride Golf Club
As from tomorrow the 18th May all newly turfed bunker surrounds and the mound at 18 will be back in play. (updated 17 May at 14:15)

West Kilbride April Links Report 2023

April has been another testing month for the greenstaff as grass growth has been slow again this year. We have encountered cold easterly winds with only 50mm of rainfall. The average rainfall figures in April for the West Kilbride area are between 60mm - 70mm. Thankfully, after the recent rainfall in the last week and increasing temperatures, there are good signs of recovery and new growth is starting to come through.

The following work has been carried out on the course:

  • Sleepers have been repaired at the13th and 15th hole.
  • The bell at the 2nd hole has been moved further down on the left as requested.
  • Type 1 has been put into the worst holes on the coastal path.
  • All bunker faces have been sprayed with total weed killer to keep the faces clean. The bunker sand levels have been checked and further fresh sand has been added to several bunkers at the 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th and the 16th greenside bunkers. The bunkers will be checked throughout the season and topped up a required. I would like to make members aware that there can be a 2-3 week delay for delivery for bunker sand from Kings quarry.
  • The burn at the 1st hole has been cleaned out, weed killed, strimmed and fly mowed.
  • The banking at the car park has been cut and tidied. The car park and around the clubhouse has also been weed killed.
  • Sink holes have been repaired on the 18th fairway and on the 4-flag chipping green.
  • All general maintenance and cutting has been carried out as required around the course.
  • The tees and surrounds have been top-dressed and fertilised. The tees are being divoted on a regular basis. The height of cut is now 8.5mm for both.
  • The fairways have had an application of wetting agent and liquid feed applied. The landing areas are being divoted as much as possible. Could I please remind all players to take a divot bag with the seed mix prior to their round and return the divot bags into the bin next to the shoe cleaner once they are finished.
  • Outfield areas and walk-offs have been verti-drained to help with compaction and fertilised to help with recovery from winter play and traffic. These areas will be overseeded within the next couple of weeks as the weather improves.
  • All new electrical faults have been repaired to the irrigation system and the software issue with the PC has been rectified. This is an annual problem and will continue to get worse as the electrical cables are starting to wear.
  • Further irrigation repairs have been carried out including new sprinklers at the 6th,14th greens, front putting green and practice area. New valves and boxes have been replaced behind the 14th green and at the practice area. The valves at the 2nd, 3rd and 17th greens will be required to be done this year as they are leaking which results in a reduction in pressure and sprinkler coverage.

On the Greens:

Leather-jacket activity has been significant this year across many courses. We applied the spray in Autumn last year at the correct time but there has still been some damage to certain areas of the greens and fairways. We are carrying out the necessary work and treatments as required and hopefully with the warmer temperatures these areas will recover quickly.

  • All greens have been Sarel Rolled twice.
  • All greens were sprayed with Wetting agent, and Seaweed.
  • All greens have had an application of fertisiler applied to help with recovery from winter play and leather-jacket damage.
  • Irrigation has been used as required.
  • Light top-dressing has been carried out twice during April. Overseeding will commence shortly with the temperatures increase.
  • The height of cut on the greens has now been taken down from 5mm down to 4mm. The greens are being cut or rolled 3-4 times per week. The height of cut will be taken down when temperatures and growth increases.

Other Course Matters:

  • We have received delivery of the second-hand fairway mower from Reesink. The mower has been fully serviced with new cutting units. We can now cut all fairways and the practice area in 1 day rather than 3 which is a huge benefit in terms of labour management.
  • I hope to receive delivery of the new semi-rough mower by the end of May.
  • Soil testing has been carried out on the several greens on the course to check for nutrient and organic matter levels. I am still waiting for the results to come back.
  • Cammie and John are progressing will with their college work and the next review will be in June.
  • Finally, Jamie Lynsey will be back with us as a seasonal worker from the 22nd of May which will be a great help for the Greenstaff and the course.


Kind Regards

Richard Fulton

Head Greenkeeper