The West Kilbride Golf Club
Course open.

West Kilbride Golf Club Winter Links Report

Firstly, I would like to wish all the members a good new year and best wishes for 2022.

During December and the first part of January we have had well over 100mm of rain which is creating softer ground conditions, especially on the greens. Therefore, could I ask all golfers to ensure all pitch-marks are repaired correctly. This will help maintain a smooth surface and reduce the amount of scarring that can be visibly seen on the greens at present.

Could I also encourage all golfers to continue to use a fairway mat or lift and place the ball outside the line of the white posts as the Greenstaff are noticing signs of fresh divots on some fairways within the marked areas.


The following work has been carried out on the course during December and January

  • All fairways, tees and surrounds have been sprayed with wetting agent, iron and magnesium to help move moisture through the soil profile, harden the plant and promote colour during periods of low growth.
  • A contact fungicide was applied to all greens prior to top-dressing and aeration work being carried out.
  • All greens were lightly top-dressed directly prior to aeration.
  • The greens were slit-tined using a demonstration set from a company called Greentek.
  • All greens were then Verti-drained to a depth of 11 inches and solid tining was carried out at 5 inches alongside the deeper tining to the wetter greens.
  • The drain at the 11th was blocked causing the 11th and 10th fairways to flood. This drain has now been cleared but part of the drain will need to be replaced in next year’s winter programme.
  • The broken banister and posts at the 1st tee have been replaced.
  • One of the sleepers at the burn has been dug out and reset.
  • We have installed Astro-turf sections at both ends of the bridge at the 1st green as these areas were badly worn.



  • The 14th bunker has been built
  • The new path at 14 has now been built. I plan to add some gorse to the left of the path to give better shape to the small section of gorse that is already there.
  • The new mound in front of the 14th tee has now been shaped.
  • The mounding at 17 is well underway and is beginning to take shape.
  • Servicing of machinery and grinding of cutting units has been started in preparation for the start of the season.
  • Finally, weather permitting I plan to start all turfing jobs within the next couple of weeks.


Richard Fulton
Head Greenkeeper

Photos Prior to Completion