The West Kilbride Golf Club
Full greens. All Trolleys and buggies allowed on the course. (updated 08 February at 07:14)


Firstly, I would like to wish the membership a good new year and hope everyone is keeping safe and getting some games of golf whenever possible.

Staffing issues
I would like to make the membership aware that I have been operating with reduced green staff for the past few weeks. Fraser Jardine is having to shield due to his family circumstances and Martin Gibson has recently handed in his notice to go and work for Imrie tree care. My deputy John Bond has been off self- isolating but all being well he will be back to work shortly taking us back to 4 full time green staff.

On The Course
During January we have been working on the drains at the 1st hole. The tile drain running across the fairway was completely choked with sand and silt and was unable to be rodded. It was also unable to be jetted due to the size and material of the pipe. The old tile has been removed and new perforated pipe has been installed and tied into a new concrete inspection chamber which incorporates the main drain. This now allows better access for cleaning the pipes as required. The pipe has been covered with 10mm washed gravel and has been filled back in ready for turfing. This drain has now been documented on the drainage plans that I have.

We have started turfing round several of the bunkers and they are starting to take shape.

During periods of wet or extreme weather I have been able to service several machines as well as re-grinding the fairway, surrounds and greens cylinder units. This will be on-going over the next couple of months in time for the start of the playing season. The yellow hazard posts at the burn and practice range posts have been brought in and painted. These posts will be put back out in time for the start of the playing season.

I have organised for further gorse management to be carried out in the first week of February. Several areas will be cut and trimmed back in-particular at the gorse between 2 and 6.

Weather permitting over the next couple of weeks I hope to apply granular iron, magnesium and seaweed to the greens to maintain turf colour, control moss and maintain plant health.

Finally, I hope to start the 18th path over the next couple of weeks. The rubber matting, old turf and edging will be removed. The ground will be shaped accordingly with a gravel drain being installed down one side of the path. New fescue / rye turf will then be laid and will be maintained as required.

Richard Fulton
Head Greenkeeper