The West Kilbride Golf Club
Course open.

Work has commenced at the practice area. Could members please be aware of moving course machinery in the area. Furthermore, there will be periods during the week when the practice bays will be closed for play to allow the green staff to landscape the ground at the front of the building. Your help and understanding with this would be greatly appreciated.

Please be aware and staff off the sunken ground and sleepers that have slipped out of position at the burn across the 16th fairway. This section of the burn now has barrier hoops in place for your safety.

The greens are currently being verti-drained / deep-tined, this is to allow much needed oxygen into the soil profile after all the heavy rainfall that we have encountered, it also helps break up the pans within the soil structure to allow the roots to remain healthy. There are only a few greens left to finish and winter greens will be in operation for a short time when work is being carried.

For any further information, please don't hesitate to contact the club and we do apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Kind Regards

Rick Fulton

(Head Greenkeeper)