The West Kilbride Golf Club
Full greens. All Trolleys and buggies allowed on the course. (updated 08 February at 07:14)

West Kilbride September Links Report 2021

During September we have started to see good recovery from the drought conditions over the summer months. We have received 78mm of rain during September which is close to the monthly average of 92mm.

The following work has been carried out on the course:

  • The weaker growing fairways 10,13,14,16,17 and 18 have been overseeded using a 3-way fescue grass mix.
  • These fairways have been sprayed with wetting agent, liquid fertiliser and Primo max to help with germination and tillering of the grass.
  • Shallow tining, overseeding and top-dressing has been carried out to the weaker areas on tees and bunker surrounds.
  • General cutting was carried out to all areas of the course.
  • Several bunkers have been tidied and weeds removed from the faces.
  • Sand has been added to several bunkers on the course including the 2nd greenside and 3rd fairway bunkers.
  • Divoting has been carried out as much as possible.
  • Rabbit holes have been filled in.
  • All grass bays were cleaned and tidied.
  • One side of the existing handrail at the 1st tee has been removed. New posts and rails have now been purchased and stained ready for installation once the remaining surface maintenance programme has been completed
  • Winter greens have been cut out, white-lined and vert-drained

On the Greens:

  • The greens were sarel rolled.
  • A fungicide was applied to all greens.
  • All greens have now been scarified and hollow-cored to a depth of 50mm.
  • 2 tonne of sand was applied per green and brushed in. Further light dressings will be applied over the next couple of months.
    All Greens have had their final overseed using 100 % bent grass seed.
  • Wetting agent will be applied.
  • An Autumn feed will also be applied to help with recovery and promote healthy seed germination.
  • Height of cut has been taken up from 3.75mm to 4.2mm

Other Course News:

The winter programme (below) will consist of aeration work to the main playing surfaces, more bunker work in line with the bunker renovation plan, creating new mounding at the right-hand side of 17 to define the hole from the practice area, an alteration to the 14th path and continued gorse plantation and maintenance.

Greens are less firm at this time of year. Can members please remember to repair their pitch marks each time before leaving the green. It would also help enormously if everyone followed the traffic management signs which are there to protect areas of the course from becoming worn and leaving golfers with poor lies. This is particularly apparent at certain greens eg 3, 7, 8, 11 and 12.


Winter Programme 2021-2022

  • Aeration of Greens, Tees, Surrounds and Fairways.
  • Create new bunker on the 14th Fairway.
  • Extend path at the 14th tee down the fence line. Fill in gap at the front of the tee with low level mounding.
  • Create mounding down the right-hand side of the 17th rough to define the hole from the practice area.
  • Install a concrete pad to re-site practice nets
  • Re-turf the 11th tee bank.
  • Continue gorse management and plantation on several areas of the course
  • New irrigation pipework and sprinklers to be installed at the paths on 14 and 18
  • Inspect and clear any problem drains if required.
  • Grinding and Servicing of course machinery.
  • Painting of flag-pins, posts, course furniture during periods of extreme weather.

 Bunkers that require re-building

  • 1st Fairway RHS
  • 6th Fairway RHS
  • 6th Greenside LHS
  • All remaining bunkers on 16
  • 17th Fairway LHS
  • Dig out 3 greenside bunkers at 11. Install liners, new base and fresh sand.

Bunkers that have been re-built will have current sand removed and will be replaced with fresh sand in March prior to the golf season commencing. Reconstructed bunkers will remain GUR until the 1st of April 2022.

The winter programme will depend on weather conditions, labour requirements for the new bays, Covid related issues that we may encounter and any unforeseen maintenance work that we may need to carry out.

Richard Fulton

Head Greenkeeper